I'm proud to say that it has been many a month since I've fixed a pre-packaged meal. Everything I've made lately has been from scratch--although the ranch dressing in the picture is store bought--soon enough I'll be making homemade of that too. Last night's meal was homemade chicken tenders, Italian bread (from the bakery) with Mozzarella, Feta, Garlic, and Parmesan, and green beans. The tenders were really good for something I just whipped up sans-recipe. Definitely going to make them again soon.
All I did was grate some wheat french bread that I got at the bakery with a box grater, mixed that with some salt and pepper, and then took the cut up breast meat, dipped it in egg, and covered it with the crumb mixture. Then I seared it in a pan that was coated with melted butter (a few minutes on each side), and finally put them in the oven for 20 minutes on 375--just that easy.

Now picture this: HOT FUDGE PIE--sounds amazing right? What if I told you it's super easy to make too. I've got your attention right? Well to start let me apologize for the picture. My husband and I demolished this pie before it even cooled. This is all that's left, but I imagine I'll get better pictures soon because I know I'm going to make this sucker again.

2 Eggs
1/4 Cup Cocoa
Pinch of Salt
1 Cup of Sugar
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
1 Stick of Butter, melted
1 Pie Crust
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine ingredients. Pour into pie shell. Bake 25-30 minutes (now here I had to adjust-my crust looked perfect at 27 minutes but the pie was still not set, so I just turned off the oven and let the pie rest in it while it cooled down for about 10-15 minutes and it turned out perfect). That's it--perfect pie--ta-dah!
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