Monday, March 4, 2013

Little Letters Link-Up.

Meet "Piggybank," our newest family member.
He's 1/4 Irish Wolfhound, 1/4 English Mastiff, 1/4 Saint Bernard, 1/4 Rottweiler,
and 100% a sweetheart.
Found this cute idea for a link-up and wanted to have a go at it.
Dear Cold, Dismal Weather, please, please let some warmer, sunny days be taking up more of the week than you currently are.  Thanks.
Dear Etsy Transactions Emails, I miss seeing you in my inbox.  Let's remedy that, okay?
Dear Exercise Routine, we're doing great together.  Let's keep it up for the rest of the year.
Dear Giant Puppy Named "Piggybank", you're growing extremely fast, and I'm very thankful I drove over 250 miles one way to get you.  You've been an outstanding addition to our family.
Dear Me-Time, where on earth have you been?  I'm really thinking we need to see more of each other.
Dear Lottery Tickets, would it kill you to let me win the jackpot?  I don't play often, but you're never kind.
Dear Ab Muscles, you've come a long way.  Keep going.
Dear Artist Interviews, you're my favorite thing in the world.  There will be many more of you.
Dear Hair on my Head, get ready.  Come May, I have some extreme plans for you.
Dear Art I Need to Make, we've got to get with it.  No excuses.
Dear Darling Daughter of Mine,  goodness you've grown up lately.  Who knew 3 1/2 was such a jump from 3.  You're an amazing human being.  I love you more than I ever thought was possible.
Dear Homebody Personality, you've got to get out more.  Visit your friends, meet more people, etc.
Dear 2013, I really like you so far.  I know you won't let me down.
All the very best,
(This was fun.  Thanks so much for the Link-Up Emmy!)