Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I love spring rain.

I went out to feed this morning, and immediately smiled. I love the way a spring rain makes me feel. I just breathe deep and it fills my senses with this clean, fresh scent. The earthy smell of wet ground, and the way the world looks when it rains is unlike any other time. There is just something about rain this time of year that is different than the rain the rest of the year. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just seems more important, more special than other rains. Who knows.

The rabbit kits eyes and ears are beginning to open up. When I peek in at them they can hear me when I talk and they perk up and try to see what on earth I am. It's pretty dang cute. I'll get some photos of them in the next few days. I'm working on the plans for some new grazing pens, and I plan on getting the materials this weekend, so I'll have plenty of pens to raise kits in this year.

I've been drooling over various Apartment Therapy posts lately. Right now my whole house is just bare studs or still waiting to be touched at all. Subfloor, no walls, no ceilings, quite the dreary decor. I'm looking forward to the chance to choose every design detail. Two guest bedrooms, Joe's room, our bedroom, the bath, the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, the den. Lots of rooms to toy with for sure. I can't wait.

Yesterday, I looked around Etsy (which I do every day), and it never fails to amaze me how many incredible artists are on that site. Two in particular that caught my eye yesterday: Katie Daisy who has the beautiful shop The Wheatfield, and Irene Suchocki with the blissful shop ISPHOTOGRAPHY: Poetry for the Eyes. Both are such inspirations. Katie is so young at just twenty-three, but has already accomplished so much, and Irene has travelled a lot and has so many wonderful photographs documenting her travels. I don't want to give away too much because I want to feature both of them on here really soon. Until then be sure to check out their blogs and shops and get a big dose of inspiration.

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