Monday, April 11, 2011

Anybody Want To Go On A Roadtrip?

I want to go to Gualala, California. There is a place called "Mar Vista Cottages" that I want to visit. Right by the ocean this place is a dream. They have a garden and chickens, so the guests get fresh eggs and vegetables at their doorstep. How neat is that? More than anything I'd like to go in order to ask them a million questions. I'd really like to have a farm-stay program at my house someday, and they would make a good template to mimic.

I found this place via (I know I'm always finding stuff there, but it's amazing). I was looking up gardening articles and this one popped up. It's a great little write up about the unique cottage inn. So pretty, and it's quite reasonable on the prices too. So, yeah, if you want to go...just hint it to me, and I'm sure Joelee and I can pack our bags in a hurried manner.

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