Saturday, August 28, 2010

Last Night's Supper.

I of course forgot to photograph my Quiche when it first came out of the oven--and I apologize for poor lighting--I'll learn the art of food photography someday. This is my first butter crust (I made it from scratch)--and it came out so delicious. For the filling I added 6 eggs, a handful of cooked broccoli, salt, pepper, feta, Parmesan, Romano, Asiago, and Cheddar cheeses, onion powder, and garlic powder. It was very tasty. And if you think the picture looks too yellow--my chickens run around the farm eating bugs and grass all day and the yolks are as pretty a dark orange as you can find. The recipe I found for dessert was on Better Homes and Garden's website. They called them Peanut Butter Munchies. I didn't have any powdered sugar, so I just used regular sugar for the peanut butter filling too. They are so very tasty. I'm pretty impressed with my food photography here.
I've got lots more to tell you about, but I have to go get my nephew's birthday presents wrapped before he gets here today--it's hard to believe he's going to be fifteen.

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